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Ideas & Tips — Gardening

Flower power: Brighten your home with your own flower arrangements

Celebration Gardening Home Ideas & Tips Remodeling & Upgrade Seasonal

Flower power: Brighten your home with your own flower arrangements

Whether it's a full-on centerpiece or a mason jar full of flowers from your garden, a flower arrangement brings a breath of fresh air into your living space, especially in the colder months when you're less likely to see flowers outside. Before you buy an expensive bouquet, consider choosing and arranging the flowers yourself. It's a relaxing creative activity that lets you match or play off of your existing decor while saving money. Here are some tips from Better Homes and Gardens and blogger Mateja Holter: First, create a grid in the opening of your vase with scotch tape, or...

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4 tips for using a mortar and pestle

Food & Drinks Gardening Herbs Ideas & Tips Kitchen Practical Gifts

4 tips for using a mortar and pestle

The mortar and pestle is a versatile and useful kitchen implement, but few of us actually grew up using one, so it can be a bit difficult to get into the swing of using it for cooking. Here are a few tips to help you take proper advantage of your mortar and pestle: It's not just for dry spices. Garlic, basil and other "wet" spices can also be ground into pastes or muddled in the mortar and pestle, making it a great tool for creating rubs and seasonings for meat dishes. Use it to make pesto. According to numerous cooks, the difference...

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7 tips for making fresh flowers last longer

Gardening Home Ideas & Tips Seasonal

7 tips for making fresh flowers last longer

Nothing brightens your home or your day quite like a bouquet of fresh cut flowers. On the other hand, nothing is more frustrating than finding your blooms sad and wilted shortly after you bought them. Did you know that how you treat the bouquet can make a big difference in how long it lasts? Here are some tips for better-looking, longer-lasting flowers: Avoid the sun: It may seem counterintuitive, since live plants need light, but Woman's Day says direct sun actually hastens your flowers' demise. Keep them in a cool, shady area in your home.  Change the water: This is one of...

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2 tips for making healthy salads

Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Gardening Ideas & Tips Kitchen

2 tips for making healthy salads

Salads are a popular meal choice for the nutritional content they supply. The cornucopia of vitamins and minerals they provide are key to a healthy lifestyle. A single salad can have anywhere from under 400 to well over 1,000 calories in one dish based on its ingredients.  Here are two tips to consider when making your next salad: Tasty foundation: Possibly the most important component of a salad is its base of greens. Not only does a good amount of greens load the meal with vital nutrients like lutein and folic acid, but you can use the foundation to add hunger-killing protein,...

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The benefits of gardening in the winter

Gardening Herbs Ideas & Tips Seasonal Winter

The benefits of gardening in the winter

There are many upsides to maintaining or starting a garden in the winter, the first of which may be that gardens make for beautiful additions to the home. Also, the options are more profuse than normally assumed with greenhouses, indoor and outdoor gardening all serving as viable options, even with the extra care needed to defend against any oncoming frost. Some of the benefits that come with gardening, specifically during the winter, include the cost effectiveness of growing your own produce and the bonus of extra activity and exercise during the months when people are typically inclined to stay in...

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